Serving the Morris and surrounding community since 1904.
Providing charitable and social events to support our local community members, non-profit organizations, schools and government institutions.
Summer jobs available!
Looking for a part time job this summer that earns more than minimum wage? Join the bartending team at the MORRIS EAGLES where there are multiple openings for bartenders.
Flexible schedules. One shift, two shifts or three shifts per week? No problem. Plus our workday doesn't start until 3:30 pm - you have your whole day to yourself before work! No Sundays too!
Looking for several dependable, motivated and positive individuals to join our team ASAP. Will train! Apply online!
Eagles hosting 2025 District 3 Convention
The Morris Eagles is honored to host the 2025 District Three Convention Saturday and Sunday, April 12-13th.
A full itinerary has been set along with lodging accommodations have been blocked off at area hotels. Make sure you check the expiration dates on the room blocks and save.
See you in Morris in April!
Business Hours
Monday - Saturday
04:00pm – 01:00am
Appointments only
Our past has built our future.
We've been a part of the Morris community since 1904.
The Morris Eagles Club has played an important part of the Morris community for over a century, focusing our support on programs and events that benefit our children and seniors.
This support includes academic and athletics programs of our local schools, fire and police departments of our surrounding communities, educational scholarships, community education youth programs, nutrition programs through our local food shelf, education and safety programs of our sportsmen groups, cultural projects of our museums and arts organizations, and more.
We are a member-supported organization that is open to the public. We are one of the places where area groups and individuals come to visit and enjoy our friendly atmosphere.
Our club boasts a full service bar along with a robust charitable gaming experience that includes electronic and paper pull tabs, bingo, statewide linked bingo, tip boards, animated animal racing and more.
The Eagles also offers a catering division that can accommodate small and large events at the Eagles facility, or at a location of your choice in the Stevens County (Minn.) area. This includes West Pomme Lodge, the National Guard Armory, Lee Community Center and privately-owned facilities.
We host many special events throughout the year, including our annual membership supper (held each March), annual club picnic (held each June), annual golf outing (also held each June).
Our bar hosts food events including Tuesday Burger Night each Tuesday, Friday Night Grill each Friday from October-April.